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Veld bindwijze
Definitie Het veld 'bindwijze' documenteert een vermelding van het type band waarin de publicatie is uitgegeven.
Opmerkingen over de bindwijze worden vermeld zoals deze door de uitgever is verstrekt.

Adlib (Erfgoedinzicht): Adlib Erfgoedinzicht: Reeks, annotatie, ISBN > ISBN > Bindwijze (bw)

Notes on the binding as issued by the publisher.
Binding information intended primarily for use with antiquarian materials, rare books and other special collections. It is not intended for serials bound together after publication for shelving and storage purposes.
physicalDescription: describes the physical attributes of the information resource.
Adlib Erfgoedinzicht: Reeks, annotatie, ISBN > ISBN > Bindwijze (bw)
Notes on the binding as issued by the publisher.
Binding information intended primarily for use with antiquarian materials, rare books and other special collections. It is not intended for serials bound together after publication for shelving and storage purposes.
physicalDescription: describes the physical attributes of the information resource.