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Veld colofon
Definitie Het veld 'colofon' documenteert een mededeling aan het slot van een publicatie die informatie geeft over de uitgave of de druk. Soms worden er ook andere gegevens in vermeld.
De colofon kan details en extra informatie geven over de publicatie, productie, distributie van de bron als opmerkingen over productie en distributie van variante publicaties. Ze kan ook extra informatie bieden over onregelmatigheden en extra data.

Adlib (Erfgoedinzicht): Historische boeken > Impressum/Colofon > Colofon (co)

A statement usually at the end of a resource giving information about its publication or printing, and in some cases, other bibliographic information, including the title. Particularly in fifteenth- and sixteenth-century books, and in Asian books until the twentieth century, the colophon may give information generally found on the title page in later books.
Information relating to the publication, printing, distribution, issue, release, or production of a work.
Adlib Erfgoedinzicht: Boeken: Historische boeken > Impressum/Colofon > Colofon
Cartografie: Historische objecten > Impressum/Colofon > Colofon (co)
A statement usually at the end of a resource giving information about its publication or printing, and in some cases, other bibliographic information, including the title. Particularly in fifteenth- and sixteenth-century books, and in Asian books until the twentieth century, the colophon may give information generally found on the title page in later books.
Information relating to the publication, printing, distribution, issue, release, or production of a work.